And death shall have no dominion, by Dylan Thomas

And death shall have no dominion. Dead man naked they shall be one With the man in the wind and the west moon; When their bones are picked clean and the clean bones gone, They shall have stars at elbow and foot; Though they go mad they shall be sane, Though they sink through the…

A pinch of salt, by Robert Graves

When a dream is born in you With a sudden clamorous pain, When you know the dream is true And lovely, with no flaw nor stain, O then, be careful, or with sudden clutch You’ll hurt the delicate thing you prize so much. Dreams are like a bird that mocks, Flirting the feathers of his…

quote: Albert Einstein

We have been endowed with just enough intelligence to be able to see clearly just how utterly inadequate that intelligence is when confronted with what exists. If this humility could be imparted to everybody, the world of human endeavours would become more appealing. – Albert Einstein   Quite… JojoBean x

The Foreboding, by Robert Graves

Looking by chance in at the open window I saw my own self seated in his chair With gaze abstracted, furrowed forehead Unkempt hair. I thought that I had suddenly come to die, That to a cold corpse this was my farewell, Until the pen moved slowly upon paper And tears fell. He had written…

caught a memory

we left the flat at 12.30am, having already made our way through a numerous variety of beers, wine and rum. on a mission possible, we strode towards town, looking for the nearest meat market, aka project nightclub. marked on the way in, a black purple line on the inside of my left wrist, i was…

quote: Dr Seuss

Today you are YOU, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.

i saw a sign

Sometimes throughout life, I forget that I need to stop and take a moment, to wonder about and note all the little things out there in life that make it beautiful to me, such as little reminders to stay strong and keep going. In times of sheer dejection, when I couldn’t raise my head or…

quote: Jimi Hendrix

When the Power of Love Overcomes the Love of Power The World will know Peace